everybody say hi to quincy from microsoft plus! 98 !!!!!!!!!!

(might be top / bottom respectively, depending on how big your screen is)

both are literally the same image but since it's a one-frame gif (used because on older browsers & such PNGs didnt have as much support as GIFs did-- JPGs were the main still image format, and they didn't [well, they still don't] support transparency!!), i just put it in screentogif and made it a png because i know a lot of sites now treat gifs differently to still images even though its just a single frame u know. easier to use in the modern day !! :D

sorry hes a little crusty around the edges thats just how he is sadly TT_TT i'll probz try 2 clean him up at some point & ill update this page if / when i do :3

feel free to save these thats literally why im uploading them. i want quincy to be shared far and wide he seems like a swell little fella. ill probs make another page with more stuff i ripped from plus (theres multiple versions so perhaps i will find even MORE creatures to share)... hope u enjoy quincy in the meantime :)

obviously dont credit me i didnt make quincy??? quincy is older than me LOL however u are obviously welcome to share this link its not a secret. u can also just save and share quincy yourself!!! i seriously dont care what you do i just want quincy to see the world... he will be Famous

have fun!!!